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UC San Diego receives $35M in state funding for new hydrogen-hybrid coastal research vessel

Green Car Congress

California legislators have allocated UC San Diego $35 million to design and build a new coastal research vessel with a first-of-its-kind hydrogen-hybrid propulsion system. The new vessel will be operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. Earlier post.)

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San Diego collaboration launches Smart City San Diego clean energy project; EV infrastructure plan

Green Car Congress

A collaboration including the city of San Diego (CA), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), GE, UC San Diego and CleanTECH San Diego launched Smart City San Diego to develop and implement local initiatives that will improve the San Diego region’s energy independence, empower consumers, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and drive economic growth.

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Environmental groups sue San Diego Association of Governments over $214B Regional Transportation/Sustainable Communities plan; first regional plan under SB 375

Green Car Congress

The Cleveland National Forest Foundation and the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit in the San Diego Superior Court against the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), challenging SANDAG’s $214-billion 2050 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2050 RTP/SCS). Click to enlarge.

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UCSD team offers roadmap of four challenges for solid-state battery commercialization

Green Car Congress

In an open-access review paper published in Nature Nanotechnology , researchers at the University of California San Diego offer a research roadmap that includes four challenges that need to be addressed in order to advance all-solid-state batteries to commercialization. candidate at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

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UC San Diego launches Institute for Materials Discovery and Design

Green Car Congress

The University of California San Siego (UCSD) has formed the San Diego Institute for Materials Discovery and Design, a joint initiative of the Jacobs School of Engineering and Division of Physical Sciences at UCSD. Several joint proposals are already under development or have been submitted.

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California Energy Commission awards more than $5.5M for green transportation projects and $1.8M for 20 energy research projects

Green Car Congress

The award recipients are: Buster Biofuels, LLC, based in the San Diego area, will receive $2,641,723 to convert a 7,300 square foot industrial warehouse building into a biodiesel manufacturing and fueling facility. The facility will create biodiesel from renewable waste-based materials such as used cooking oil from restaurants.

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UC San Diego hires top robotics expert to lead Contextual Robotics Institute

Green Car Congress

Henrik Christensen, one of the most influential robotics researchers in the world, is joining the University of California San Diego. He will direct the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute and serve as a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering.

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