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The Summit On Clean Tech Law & The New Energy Policy

Creative Greenius

CALSEIA’s Executor Director Sue Kateley will be delivering her report on the newest renewable energy legal developments Sacramento. Stimulus Package allocated for renewables? Sunpower Corporation’s VP of public policy, Julie Blunden, will be sharing her views on how incentives and laws shape & drive demand for solar energy.

Clean 199
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A New Wildfire Watchdog

Cars That Think

Technology was on duty miles downwind, where, as the battle against these fires went on for days, even weeks, many residents of the Bay Area and Sacramento River Delta region turned to air-quality sensor networks, particularly AirNow , maintained by the U.S. government, and PurpleAir , created via crowd-sourcing of commercial sensors.

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California Goes To Hell In A Handbasket But Greenius Says AB 811 is Our Route To Green Heaven

Creative Greenius

The treasure chest was cleverly disguised in the form of Federal stimulus money from the ARRA, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. While it’s sad but true that the entire gang in Sacramento can no longer figure out how to make California work, President Obama and his “Yes I Can&# team do know what they’re doing.