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New analysis suggests Uber adding significantly to pollution and traffic in European cities

Green Car Congress

Uber is adding more polluting car trips to already-clogged European cities such as London and Paris, new analysis by European NGOs suggests —contributing to air pollution and climate change and exploding the company’s sustainability claims. Transport represents more than a quarter (27%) of Europe’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

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Study: air pollution caused 1.1M deaths across Africa in 2019, toll from outdoor pollution rising

Green Car Congress

Air pollution was responsible for 1.1 Air pollution was responsible for 1.1 Deaths attributable to household air pollution and ambient particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) air pollution in Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, and overall in Africa, 1990–2019. The most disturbing finding was the increase in deaths from ambient air pollution.

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Emissions Analytics finds pollution from tire wear can be 1,000x worse than exhaust emissions

Green Car Congress

Pollution from tire wear can be 1,000 times worse than a car’s exhaust emissions, Emissions Analytics has found. Vehicle tire wear pollution is completely unregulated, unlike exhaust emissions which have been rapidly reduced by car makers due to the pressure placed on them by European emissions standards. and 73% of PM 10.

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WHO issues new, lower Global Air Quality Guidelines for classical pollutants

Green Car Congress

New WHO has issued new Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) that reduce levels of key air pollutants, some of which also contribute to climate change. Since WHO’s last 2005 global update, there has been a marked increase of evidence that shows how air pollution affects different aspects of health. Source: WHO. nitrogen dioxide (NO?)

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Modeling study suggests 1.8M excess deaths attributable to urban air pollution in 2019

Green Car Congress

A second study, also led by the GWU researchers, finds that nearly 2 million cases of asthma in children are linked to traffic-related nitrogen dioxide air pollution, with two in three occurring in cities. Two-thirds of pediatric asthma cases linked to air pollution in cities. million excess deaths attributable to PM 2.5

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NOAA study finds reducing particulate air pollution in N America & Europe increases hurricanes in N Atlantic

Green Car Congress

A new NOAA study covering four decades of tropical cyclones found that reducing particulate air pollution in Europe and North America has contributed to an increase in the number of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic basin and a decrease in the number of these storms in the Southern Hemisphere. Credit: NOAA.

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CARB approves new requirements to further reduce air pollution from Transport Refrigeration Units

Green Car Congress

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved amendments to its current rule for Transport Refrigeration Units (TRUs) operating in the state. The 2022 amendments will require a variety of actions designed to reduce the pollution these units produce, and accelerate their transition to zero-emission technologies. road engines.

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