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Greenius Will Meet With Al Gore To Talk Climate Reality

Creative Greenius

I can’t offer you any scientific hope to hang your sporty new fedora on, or any magic bullet news that might yet save the day, but I just don’t have it in me to p**s on the fire and call in the dogs so I can go quietly into that good night.

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Gore's group on board with plug-ins

Plugs and Cars

The Alliance for Climate Protection, Al Gore's group, has taken another step toward promoting plug-in cars (all electric cars and plug-in hybrids) with its RePower America campaign. Let's hope Al Gore's been saying as much to President Obama (doesn't that sound great!).

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Al Gore plugs electric cars on Daily Show

Plugs and Cars

Al Gore has probably been presumed to be a long-time booster of electric cars, but it hasn't always been so. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Exclusive - Al Gore Extended Interview Pt. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Exclusive - Al Gore Extended Interview Pt.

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Al Gore Joins Call for Electric Cars

Plugs and Cars

Buried in Al Gore's challenge today calling for a 100% renewable electric grid within ten years is a call for plug-in electric cars. Tags: plug-in cars al gore battery electric car. An electric vehicle fleet would sharply reduce the cost of driving a car, reduce pollution, and increase the flexibility of our electricity grid.

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Electric Car Salute to Al Gore in Oslo

Plugs and Cars

nk City cars and at least one RAV4 EV, turned out in large numbers to salute Al Gore, lining Oslo streets as he drove (in a gasser) to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Here's to hoping that Al Gore took a look out the window as he drove past. Tags: nobel peace prize greenhouse gases global warming arnold schwarzenegger al gore.

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Greenius Will Meet With Al Gore To Talk Climate Reality

Creative Greenius

I can’t offer you any scientific hope to hang your sporty new fedora on, or any magic bullet news that might yet save the day, but I just don’t have it in me to p**s on the fire and call in the dogs so I can go quietly into that good night.

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Blood And Gore: Coal Is Becoming A Stranded Asset

Green Car Reports

So how could we not comment on an article whose byline reads Gore and Blood? In case you hadn''t noticed, it''s Halloween. Their topic may be slightly esoteric, but it has big implications for our energy future. It''s all about stranded assets--those that lose economic value well ahead of their anticipated useful life.

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