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Plug-In Hybrids (or Plugin Hybrids)

Tony Karrer Delicious EVdriven

CalCars mission is to narrow the cost gap through incentives, subsidies and rebates while making the case for paying extra to gain access to car-pool lanes, spend less time at gas stations, get home backup power, lower maintenance costs, and, most importantly, benefit society by reducing oil imports, greenhouse gases and pollution.

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How Carmakers Are Responding to the Plug-In Hybrid Opportunity

Tony Karrer Delicious EVdriven

Plans Saturn Vue PHEV-10. Committed to sales of 10,000 or more vehicles in late 2010, with increasing production in 2011. Aims to get Saturn Vue on road in 2010; no production goal. We believe such production models could be available for sale in three years."Furia Plans Cadillac Converj, Opel Ampera, other versions.

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MAEAA Web Links

Tony Karrer Delicious EVdriven

PlymouthHorizon : RLewits Home Page, car was for sale but he sold it. Saturn :Ken Norwicks online conversion diary Saturn: conversiondiary Solectria E-10 : Tom Husons new project SolectriaForce : Tom Hudson doesnt let cold weather stop him. Pontiac Fiero : rechargedwith solar array. Porsche911T : D.