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UC Davis Begins $2.8M Studies on Impacts of Escaped Nitrogen

Green Car Congress

University of California, Davis researchers will receive $2.8 These environmental impacts are not fully documented, according to Tom Tomich, director of the Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis. million in new grants to study the use and impacts of escaped nitrogen from agricultural production.

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Study Concludes Warming Climate Will Increase Ozone Levels in Major California Air Basins; Climate Change and Regional Air Quality Are Intertwined Problems

Green Car Congress

Illustration of projected ozone changes in the South Coast region due to climate change in 2050. Areas in orange and red could see ozone concentrations elevated by 9 to 18 parts per billion. Kleeman of UC Davis, lead author. Click to enlarge. We must consider climate change and air pollution together as we plan for the future.

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Study Finds Ozone Concentrations at Current Clean Air Standards Levels Can Impair Even Healthy Lungs

Green Car Congress

Exposure to ozone at levels currently deemed safe by the NAAQS clean air standards can have a significant and negative effect on lung function, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis. Edward Schelegle, University of California, Davis. Earlier post.). Specifically, we found that 6.6

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Study suggests future climate changes to worsen air quality for >85% of China’s population; ~20k+ additional deaths each year

Green Car Congress

55% of land area) by the middle of the century, and would increase by 3% and 4% the population-weighted average concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) and ozone, respectively. and ozone exposure, respectively. and ozone in 2050 by factors of 1 and 3, respectively. C) and ozone (D) exposure are shown.

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CARB, NOAA, NASA and San Jose State University scientists team up to study ozone transported across Pacific

Green Car Congress

As California continues to reduce local sources of ozone, ozone entering the state from the Pacific makes up a larger fraction of measured ozone levels. An ozonesonde is a balloon which measures ozone from the surface to more than 10 kilometers above the ground.

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Researchers discover that a ubiquitous tire rubber–derived chemical is killing coho salmon in urban waterways: 6PPD-quinone

Green Car Congress

They found that 6PPD, the primary antioxidant chemical used in tire rubber, reacts with ozone to form the previously unidentified compound 6PPD-quinone. Ozone breaks the bonds holding the tire together. 6PPD reacts with ozone before it can react with the tire rubber, sparing the tires. Davis, Michael C. Scholz, Jay W.

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UCI-led study finds California’s strict air quality regulations have helped farmers

Green Car Congress

They found that reductions in ground ozone during this 35-year period resulted in $600 million in increased production annually by the early 2010s. Davis and his colleagues chose to concentrate on perennials because of the long-term investment they represent and the fact that California is a major supplier of this type of produce.

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