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Berkeley study finds renewable portfolio standards insufficient to meet 2030 GHG emission targets; new policy required

Green Car Congress

One possible scenario for the electricity system in the Western US in 2026-29. Under a range of resource cost scenarios, most coal power plants would be replaced by solar, wind, gas, and/or nuclear generation, with intermittent renewable sources providing at least 17% and as much as 29% of total power by 2030. Click to enlarge.

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IEA finds CO2 emissions flat for third straight year even as global economy grew in 2016

Green Car Congress

This was the result of growing renewable power generation, switches from coal to natural gas, improvements in energy efficiency, as well as structural changes in the global economy. The biggest drop came from the United States, where carbon dioxide emissions fell 3%, or 160 million tonnes, while the economy grew by 1.6%.

Economy 199
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IEA: time to tap into hydrogen’s potential to play a key role in a clean, secure and affordable energy future

Green Car Congress

A wide variety of fuels are able to produce hydrogen, including renewables, nuclear, natural gas, coal and oil. Hydrogen can be transported as a gas by pipelines or in liquid form by ships, much like liquefied natural gas (LNG). Launching the hydrogen trade’s first international shipping routes. million by 2030.

Cleaning 255
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UN report finds world needs incremental $1.9 trillion invested in green technologies to avert planetary catastrophe; global per capita cap on primary energy consumption of 70 GJ/yr may be required

Green Car Congress

The past decade was the first in two centuries with increasing CO2 emissions intensities, owing to a “coal revival”, in contrast with the rapid conversion to natural gas in the 1990s. These trends, which are diametrically opposed to declared greenhouse gas mitigation goals and targets, are by no means limited to emerging economies.

Global 338
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EEA: increase in EU GHG emissions, mostly due to transport, hampers progress towards 2030 targets

Green Car Congress

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the European Union rose slightly in 2017, mostly because of the transport sector. Greenhouse gas emission trends, projections and targets in the EU. The energy sector was able to reduce its emissions due to the decreasing share of coal used to produce electricity and heat in the EU.

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Emissions of Air Pollutants down in EU-27

Green Car Congress

Energy use by households (the burning of wood, gas, coal etc) is the most important source of PM 2.5 Power plants producing heat and electricity have reduced emissions significantly since 1990 by improving abatement equipment, switching to cleaner fuels and through improved energy efficiency.

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Joint IEA-NEA report details plunge in costs of renewable electricity; nuclear competitive with other baseload power sources

Green Car Congress

The cost of producing electricity from renewable sources such as wind and solar has been falling for several years. The report calculates the cost of producing electricity from different types of new power plants. 2010 and 2015 LCOE ranges for solar and wind technologies. Source: IEA/NEA. Click to enlarge. Source: IEA/NEA.

Cost Of 150