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Study: 2/3 of aviation climate impact due to emissions other than CO2

Green Car Congress

of the human-made climate impact; two-thirds of this impact are caused by emissions other than CO 2 , according to a new study by researchers in Europe and the US. Schematic overview of the processes by which aviation emissions and increased cirrus cloudiness affect the climate system. Aviation accounts for 3.5% —Lee et al.

Climate 448
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UCL-led study finds climate impact caused by growing space industry needs urgent mitigation

Green Car Congress

The rapidly growing space industry may have a greater climate effect than the aviation industry and undo repair to the protective ozone layer if left unregulated, according to a new study led by UCL and published in the journal Earth’s Future as an open-access paper. The space industry is one of the world’s fastest growing sectors.

Climate 428
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Study: annual climate impact of wild pigs could be greater than 1.1M cars

Green Car Congress

The researchers used predictive population models coupled with advanced mapping techniques to estimate the climate damage wild pigs are causing across five continents. Since soil contains nearly three times as much carbon than in the atmosphere, even a small fraction of carbon emitted from soil has the potential to accelerate climate change.

Climate 435
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ICCT life-cycle analysis finds no climate benefit in using LNG as marine fuel

Green Car Congress

The results of a new analysis by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) show that, when combined with a trend toward higher methane leakage and combustion slip, there is no climate benefit from using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel—regardless of the engine technology. First, it contains very little sulfur.

Mariner 427
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UGA study finds black carbon aerosols from GDI engines will worsen public health, climate; need for GPFs

Green Car Congress

A strong absorber of solar radiation, black carbon exhibits significant climate warming properties. Therefore, the climate burden of the increase in BC emissions dominates over the US, especially over source regions. the increase in BC associated with the shift would lead to an annual average positive radiative effect over the U.S.

Climate 348
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Resource Watch releases new data-driven Air Quality Dashboard

Green Car Congress

Resource Watch has introduced a new data-driven Air Quality Dashboard featuring the latest maps and data visualizations on the state of the world’s air. Resource Watch worked with WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities to create this resource for data on air quality and emissions. Resource Watch is currently in Beta.

Pollution 259
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ICCT study finds LH2-powered combustion aircraft can play an important role in meeting aviations 2050 climate goals

Green Car Congress

A new study from the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) has found that although liquid-hydrogen- (LH 2 )-combustion aircraft do not perform as well as their jet fuel counterparts, they can still play an important role in meeting aviation’s 2050 climate goals. —Mukhopadhaya and Rutherford (2022).

Climate 370