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Group of 285 global investors with more than $20T in assets under management calls for urgent action on investment-grade climate change and energy policies; guidelines for governments

Green Car Congress

Saying that “ investment-grade climate change and clean energy policy is required to shift private sector investment from high-carbon to low-carbon assets ”, a group of 285 investors has urged governments and international policy makers to take new and meaningful steps in the fight against climate change.

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Study: Crop relocation can help buffer US agriculture from climate change but southern states may face massive loss of productive land

Green Car Congress

It found that if crop locations are held constant in the future, total agriculture profits for the six crops will drop by 31%. Projected extreme temperatures under climate change are predicted to reduce average yields for several of the United States’ major crops.

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PCAST suggests 6 key components for climate change strategy to President Obama; adaptation and mitigation

Green Car Congress

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released a letter to President Obama describing six key components the advisory group believes should be central to the Administration’s strategy for addressing climate change. Improving coordination and support for research efforts on climate change preparedness.

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US DOI report highlights impacts of climate change on Western water resources

Green Car Congress

The US Department of the Interior released a report that assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States. To develop the report, Reclamation used original research and a literature synthesis of existing peer-reviewed studies.

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EPA Climate Change Adaptation Plan sees likely increase in tropospheric ozone, with more difficulty in attaining NAAQS in many areas

Green Car Congress

Among the many climate-related vulnerabilities that can impact its mission, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cites a likely increase in tropospheric ozone pollution as potentially making it more difficult to attain National Ambient Air Quality Standards ( NAAQS ) in many areas with existing ozone problems.

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Vanderbilt meeting concludes time to begin developing climate change adaptation strategies for transportation sector

Green Car Congress

The meeting was held in June at Vanderbilt University and was sponsored by the Vanderbilt Center for Transportation Research (VECTOR), Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment (VIEE) and the University of Memphis’ Intermodal Freight Transportation Institute.

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Ford poll finds Europeans want freedom of car ownership, but worry about traffic, cost of driving, environment

Green Car Congress

A new Ford Motor Company-sponsored poll of 6,000 people across Europe found that most Europeans remain committed to car ownership, but have growing concerns about traffic congestion, the cost of driving and the environment. 53% say climate change is the world’s biggest problem. Future mobility solutions. Earlier post.).