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Tesla Model Y continues to lead auto sales in Norway

Push EVs

Norway’s plugin electric vehicles took 91.1% The slight dent in share came from a drop in plugin hybrid volume, against overall market growth. March’s combined plugin result of 91.1% plugin hybrids. For those keeping records, the iX1 a is mid sized SUV (almost the same length as the VW ID.4). year on year.

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Europe January 2021

EV Sales

Last month positive result, added to a crashing overall market (-26% YoY), allowed the 2021 plugin share to start at 14% (5.6% 4 BMW 330e – Now this was a surprise. the BMW plugin hybrid managed to pull off this good result, although one wonders for how long with BMW's model manage to keep this status. and CCS!),

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Europe March 2021

EV Sales

The European passenger plugin market continues on the rise, having registered over 227,000 units in March (+169% YoY), placing last month plugin share at 16% share (7.6% The markets where the Volvo plugin was in high rotation were Sweden (1,192 units), the United Kingdom (900) and Germany (624 units). for BEVs alone).

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Norway December 2020

EV Sales

Looking at the fuels breakdown, if plugins were up in December, the rest is falling quickly: HEVs had just 6% share of the market, petrol vehicles were down to just 3% share (it had 15% a year ago), while diesel had only 5%, while in the same month last year, the black fuel had 22% share.At

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Plugin EVs reached a new record market share in Sweden

Push EVs

Sweden’s auto market saw plugin electric vehicle share continue to grow strongly in December, reaching a record 74.6%, up from 60.7% December’s combined plugin share of 74.6% plugin hybrids (PHEVs). Full year 2022 plugin share stood at 56.1%, up from 45.0% BMW i3 fell from 13th to 55th. year on year.

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Germany April 2021

EV Sales

1-2 win for Volkswagen The German plugin market scored over 50,000 units last month, with both technologies rising fast (+413% for BEVs and +380% YoY for PHEVs) , with last month plugin share ending at 22% (10% BEV), in line with the yearly tally of 22% (10% BEV), so this market is firmly in The Disruption Zone. 4 e-Up and ID.3

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China March 2021

EV Sales

Plugins are a hot item in China, having scored a near-record 211,000 units last month, jumping 244% regarding the same month last year, making it the second best month ever, only behind last December. Last month plugin share reached the two-digits mark for the first time ever, by hitting 11% (9.2% 10,000 units-plus in April? #5

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