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Study finds biodiesel blend reduces total particle mass in emissions but may have greater adverse health effect per mass than diesel

Green Car Congress

liter Volkswagen light-duty diesel engine and Klam dynamometer running at various throttle and brake settings over a 9-mode steady-state cycle to enable triplicate time-resolved measurement of particle number distributions with a scanning mobility particle sizer. nm and a shoulder that corresponded to the B0 peak at ?51

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Study finds PM from biodiesel blends may be 50-80% less toxic per unit PM mass than from petroleum diesel

Green Car Congress

In a study published in the ACS journal Energy & Fuels , a team from the University of Vermont reports that particulate matter from the combustion of biodiesel blends may be 50–80% less toxic per unit PM mass emitted than PM from petroleum diesel, depending on feedstock. nmol/min/mg PM for B0 and B100, respectively, and from 22.6 ± 4.5

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Optimizing Turbo Diesels for Emissions and Performance with 5% and 20% Biodiesel Blends

Green Car Congress

When used in diesel engines, biodiesel usually exhibits several combustion-related advantages, including reductions in CO, UHC and PM emissions, as well as a net CO 2 reduction. However, with an energy density 13% lower than diesel (37.5 However, with an energy density 13% lower than diesel (37.5

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Massachusetts to Accept Only Waste-Derived Biofuels to Qualify for Mandate for Diesel and Home Heating Oil

Green Car Congress

Requires a minimum percentage of biofuel as component of all diesel fuel and home heating fuel sold in the Commonwealth, starting at 2% in 2010 and ramping up to 5% by 2013. Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to give a tax incentive for the use of cellulosic biofuels rather than corn-based ethanol. Biofuels mandate.

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Jatropha Biodiesel-FT Blends Reduce Most Criteria Pollutants Compared to Neat FT; Higher NOx

Green Car Congress

Blending jatropha biodiesel (JBD) with Fischer-Tropsch synthetic diesel (FT) results in lower CO, THC, smoke and PM emissions compared to neat FT, according to a study by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) published in the ACS journal Energy & Fuels.

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