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Plugin Vehicles Now 22% of World Auto Sales

CleanTechnica EVs

Plugins grew by 19% YoY! Global plugin vehicle registrations were up 19% in August 2024 compared to August 2023. What falling sales? There were 1.5 million registrations.

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Top 20 Plugin Electric Vehicles in the World — August 2021

CleanTechnica EVs

Global plugin vehicle registrations were up 114% in August 2021 compared to August 2020, scoring 516,000 units (or 7.7% share of the overall auto market). That made it the plugin market’s third best month ever, and expect September to be another record month.

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Plugin Electric Vehicles Get 21% Share of Auto Market in Another Record Month in China

CleanTechnica EVs

Half a million plugin electric vehicle sales! Plugin vehicles in China once again ended the year with a record month, growing by 125% year over year (YoY) in the last month of the year, to a record 502,000 units. Full electric vehicles (BEVs) were responsible for 83% of the plugin market in […].

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UK’s Auto Market Hits One-Third Plugins In December

CleanTechnica EVs

The UK auto market saw plugin electric vehicles take one-third share of the auto market in December, up from 23.4% Over a quarter of all auto sales were full battery electric vehicles. a year ago.

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Plugin Electric Vehicles Get 30% Share Of Auto Market In Another Record Month In China

CleanTechnica EVs

Plugin vehicles in China once again ended the year with a record month, growing by 83% year over year (YoY) in the last month of the year to a record 671,000 units. Interestingly, full electric vehicles (BEVs) had a slow month, growing just 13%, to 471,000 units. They were responsible for 70% of the plugin […]

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Most Autos Sold In Sweden Are Now Plugin EVs – Over 54% In November

CleanTechnica EVs

Sweden, the largest auto market of the Nordic region, saw plugin electric vehicles take 54.3% The overall auto market saw just over 21,000 new registrations in November, down almost 30% from pre-pandemic seasonal norms. […]. share in November, up from 38.7% share year-on-year.

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Plugins EVs Near Third Of Autos In Germany, Recession Forecast

CleanTechnica EVs

Plugin electric vehicles (EVs) gained 32.4% of Europe’s largest auto market, Germany, in October, up from 30.4% This in the context of overall auto market growth of 16.8% The Fiat 500 was October’s best selling full electric. […]. YoY, to 208,642 units.

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