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Study: Cash-for-Clunkers Programs Should Use Fuel Economy Rather Than Age to Maximize GHG Reductions

Green Car Congress

Cash for Clunkers”) program could maximize greenhouse gas emissions savings by using fuel-economy based eligibility requirements rather than age-based requirements. A first wave occurred in the 1990s, followed by a spate of current schemes to stimulate domestic auto industries in the face of the economic crisis.

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September Auto Sales Plunge in Aftermath of Cash for Clunkers; SAAR at 9.2M units, LDV Sales Down 41% from August, Hybrid Sales Down 48%

Green Car Congress

In the aftermath of the summer sales boom fueled by the US Cash for Clunkers program, September 2009 light duty vehicles sales dropped back to pre-incentive lows. Reported hybrid sales by month. Click to enlarge. With 745,997 cars and light duty trucks sold in September, according to Autodata, sales were down 22.7%

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$2B Cash for Clunkers Supplement Signed Into Law; Funding Taken from Renewable Energy Loan Guarantee Program

Green Car Congress

3435 , which provides $2 billion FY 2009 emergency supplemental appropriations for the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Program (Cash-for-Clunkers, C4C). The C4C program, which began in late July, encouraged a surge in auto sales, with the original $1 billion funding depleting in approximately one week. million.

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Cash for Clunkers Buoys US Auto Sales; Hybrid Sales Up 31.8% for Monthly New Vehicle Share of 3.55%

Green Car Congress

Buoyed by the US government’s CARS (“Cash for Clunkers”) program, US auto sales slowed their decline in the US in July, dropping on 12.1% Monthly new vehicle market share for hybrids. Click to enlarge. to 997,824 units, according to summary figures from AutoData. Passenger car sales dropped 10.6% to 443, 297 units.

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BREAKING: Cash-For-Clunkers May Be Over, Out Of Money, Kaput

Green Car Reports

As we enter the news day on Thursday, it appears that the "Cash For Clunkers" program could well be out of cash.

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Clunkers Program Worked, Didn't Hurt Car Sales, Study Says

Green Car Reports

A new study concludes that last summer's government-funded "Cash For Clunkers" program didn't hurt car sales rates in future months, and in fact did just what it set out to do: get old, low-mileage cars off the road and stimulate auto sales in the U.S.

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Has the cash for clunkers scheme failed? The Green Piece

Green Cars News

The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS for short, or ‘cash for clunkers’ as it is more commonly known) was the US’s answer to the scrappage schemes in Germany and the UK which appeared to have revitalised their respective automotive sectors. When the cash for clunkers scheme was introduced, we at